Payment method: monthly debits on your credit card. |
Changing subscription plan: you can switch to the Light, Gold or Black version at any time.
You can also change the number of workstations on which you want to use PCKent (if you need more than 3 workstations, contact us).
After confirming your choice, the appropriate pricing will be applied.
End of subscription: you can end your subscription from month to month. PCKent will then go into demo mode, and you will no longer be able to create or analyse new cases, nor consult the free books in the library. However, you will be able to consult your previously saved records and any digital books you may have purchased. |
PCKent Silver Edition includes all the features of the Light version, plus the ones described below: |
- You can create up to 30 records, each of which can store up to 10 worksheets. In other words, you can store the information of up to 30 different people, and up to 10 case analysis per person.
- When searching for symptoms, you can indicate whether your keywords should be generalized to their synonyms, to words with a similar meaning, to words with a broader meaning, or to complementary words.
- During the case analysis, you can choose the way symptoms and remedies must be sorted.
But above all, you can use a powerful generalization tool allowing to use symptoms with similar meanings (for example, the symptom "Contrary" can be generalized to the symptoms "Disobedience", "Obstinate", "Unobserving"...).
- A few more free books are unlocked in the library. You can search for a text among all the books in the library (and not only in the current selected book).
- Some additional features are available: copy a symptom to the clipboard, print a record or a repertorization grid, export some information to the clipboard or to a file...
Limitations |
- You do not have access to the tools that allow to dissociate remedies (e.g. consolation usually improves Nux Vomica's condition, while it generally worsens that of Phosphorus).
- You have no access to the editing module.
- You have no access to the queries module.
Books freely accessible from the "PCKent Silver" library: |
- All the free books from the Light version: Aphorisms and Precepts, Clinical Cases, Introduction to Kent's Repertory, Cours de Médecine Homoeopathique, Homéopathie Pédiatrique, Médecine Homoeopathique Domestique, Organon de l'art de Guérir (Jourdan), Traité Homoeopathique des Maladies Aiguës et Chroniques des Enfants.
- Lesser Writings (J.T. Kent).
- What the Doctor Needs to Know (J.T. Kent).
- Causeries Cliniques Homoeopathiques (J.-P. Gallavardin) - French.
- Les Paralysies Phosphoriques (J.-P. Gallavardin) - French.
- Manuel Homéopathique d'Obstétrique (C. Croserio) - French.